by Administrator Website DTEI UM | Mar 13, 2020 | Berita, SDG-9-Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, SDGs
Assalaamualaikum wr.wb. Halloo perkenalkan nama saya Yoyok Sukrismon mahasiswa S1 Teknik Elektro 2016. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin sedikit bercerita tentang pengalaman magang selama enam (6) bulan saya di PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) atau biasa dikenal...
by Administrator Website DTEI UM | Mar 6, 2020 | Beasiswa
Mevlana Exchange Programme is a mobility programme (inbound and outbound) funded by The Council of Higher Education of Turkey (YOK) for students and academic staffs or Higher Education Institutions (HEI) which have signed the Mevlana Protocol. More Information...
by Administrator Website DTEI UM | Mar 6, 2020 | Beasiswa
SPACE-E students are able to register in courses throughout the university after consulting and obtaining permission from their academic advisor. Students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Agriculture will be required to conduct “independent...