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Angkat Tema Dangerious Bullying, Kampanye Anti Bullying bagi Mahasiswa Baru DTEI 2023

Maraknya kasus perundungan atau bullying di kalangan pelajar Indonesia menjadi masalah pelik yang belum juga dapat dihilangkan sampai saat ini. Meskipun upaya-upaya telah banyak dilakukan oleh pemerintah bersama lapisan masyarakat, namun kasus perundungan masih tetap...

What to avoid during pregnancy

Most women can continue with their everyday activities during pregnancy and only need to make some minor lifestyle changes. The health and well-being of both the woman and the developing fetus are of primary concern during pregnancy, so it is best to avoid consuming...

What to do to keep gums healthy

Practicing good oral hygiene is the most important action that a person can take to prevent and treat gum disease. Most people tend to overlook their gums when it comes to oral health and focus on getting a bright, white smile instead. However, healthy teeth require...